Posts Tagged ‘depth of understanding’

I remember memories that replay yesterday and wonder why

I remember memories that sway back and forth today and sigh

I remember memories that delay like deja vu arrayed in the future reapplied

I remember memories of mistakes and failures made causing pain I’d rather hide

I remember memories held at bay I’d rather not say went awry

I remember memories once afraid no longer make me prey in the night

I remember memories laid bare so much stronger that I pray won’t be how I die

I remember memories of hell’s visit down the broadway with sin’s choice for entrance prefaced I’d preferably decide to contrive and be deprived

I remember memories like shade in the hottest summer to evade under a tree think twice about while I reside with the littlest faith arise

I remember memories where I strayed until found by the ONE I betrayed now unto will abide with hope to enter HIS arms in Heaven arrive

I remember memories of fear weighed heavily upon this casualty of war that love conveyed in order for it to disappear and heal me inside

I remember memories that slay my pride to display the humility I now allow to guide

I remember memories that give way to HIS grace now to follow as I soar above the storm on the heights by HIS Spirit not by might

I remember memories that trade my punishment with HIS mercy instead that covers me always new every morning to find supplied as I remain contrite

I remember memories that pervade of HIS compassion embraced that erased the oppression and loneliness while it trained me to comfort others with a depth of understanding comprised

I remember memories where HIS truth sustained and prayers uplifted with thanks maintained a peace that surpassed all understanding guarding my heart and mind in JESUS Christ

I remember memories spent alone with HIM that I can now say will remain as I’ve been taught HIS Word to obey where I’ve been tried as gold refined, where I’ve been aligned to HIS will defined, and where I’ve dined with HIM to always remind me I’m HIS and HE is mine for all time…